本文提供了具有固定步骤大小的线性随机近似(LSA)算法的有限时间分析,这是统计和机器学习中的核心方法。 LSA用于计算$ d $ - 二维线性系统的近似解决方案$ \ bar {\ mathbf {a}}} \ theta = \ bar {\ mathbf {b}} $ a}},\ bar {\ mathbf {b}})$只能通过(渐近)无偏见的观察来估算$ \ {(\ m athbf {a}(z_n),\ mathbf {b} {n \ in \ mathbb {n}} $。我们在这里考虑$ \ {z_n \} _ {n \ in \ mathbb {n}} $是i.i.d.序列或统一的几何千古马尔可夫链,并得出了$ p $ - 大小写的不等式和高概率界限,用于LSA及其polyak-ruppert平均版本定义的迭代。更确切地说,我们建立订单$(p \ alpha t _ {\ pereratatorName {mix}}}))^{1/2} d^{1/p} $在$ p $ - LSA的最后一个迭代的$ p $ - 。在此公式中,$ \ alpha $是该过程的步骤大小,$ t _ {\ operatatorName {mix}} $是基础链的混合时间($ t _ {\ operatotorname {mix {mix}} = 1 $ in I.I.D.设置中的1 $ )。然后,我们证明了迭代的polyak-ruppert平均序列上的有限时间实例依赖性边界。这些结果是明确的,从某种意义上说,我们获得的领先术语匹配局部渐近minimax限制,包括对参数$(d,t _ {\ operatorname {mix}})$的紧密依赖性在更高的术语中。
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切片 - Wasserstein距离(SW)越来越多地用于机器学习应用,作为Wassersein距离的替代方案,并提供了显着的计算和统计效益。由于它被定义为随机投影的期望,因此SW通常由Monte Carlo近似。我们通过利用测量现象的浓度来采用新的视角来近似SW:在温和的假设下,高维随机向量的一维突起大致高斯。基于此观察,我们为SW开发了一个简单的确定性近似。我们的方法不需要采样许多随机投影,因此与通常的Monte Carlo近似相比,准确且易于使用。我们派生了我们的方法的非对应保证,并且显示近似误差随着数据分布的弱依赖条件下的弱依赖条件而变为零。我们验证了对合成数据集的理论发现,并说明了在生成建模问题上提出的近似。
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自Venkatakrishnan等人的开创性工作以来。 2013年,即插即用(PNP)方法在贝叶斯成像中变得普遍存在。这些方法通过将显式似然函数与预定由图像去噪算法隐式定义的明确定义,导出用于成像中的逆问题的最小均方误差(MMSE)或最大后验误差(MAP)估计器。文献中提出的PNP算法主要不同于他们用于优化或采样的迭代方案。在优化方案的情况下,一些最近的作品能够保证收敛到一个定点,尽管不一定是地图估计。在采样方案的情况下,据我们所知,没有已知的收敛证明。关于潜在的贝叶斯模型和估算器是否具有明确定义,良好的良好,并且具有支持这些数值方案所需的基本规律性属性,还存在重要的开放性问题。为了解决这些限制,本文开发了用于对PNP前锋进行贝叶斯推断的理论,方法和可忽略的会聚算法。我们介绍了两个算法:1)PNP-ULA(未调整的Langevin算法),用于蒙特卡罗采样和MMSE推断; 2)PNP-SGD(随机梯度下降)用于MAP推理。利用Markov链的定量融合的最新结果,我们为这两种算法建立了详细的收敛保证,在现实假设下,在去噪运营商使用的现实假设下,特别注意基于深神经网络的遣散者。我们还表明这些算法大致瞄准了良好的决策理论上最佳的贝叶斯模型。所提出的算法在几种规范问题上证明了诸如图像去纹,染色和去噪,其中它们用于点估计以及不确定的可视化和量化。
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This paper presents a methodology for integrating machine learning techniques into metaheuristics for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Namely, we propose a general machine learning framework for neighbor generation in metaheuristic search. We first define an efficient neighborhood structure constructed by applying a transformation to a selected subset of variables from the current solution. Then, the key of the proposed methodology is to generate promising neighbors by selecting a proper subset of variables that contains a descent of the objective in the solution space. To learn a good variable selection strategy, we formulate the problem as a classification task that exploits structural information from the characteristics of the problem and from high-quality solutions. We validate our methodology on two metaheuristic applications: a Tabu Search scheme for solving a Wireless Network Optimization problem and a Large Neighborhood Search heuristic for solving Mixed-Integer Programs. The experimental results show that our approach is able to achieve a satisfactory trade-off between the exploration of a larger solution space and the exploitation of high-quality solution regions on both applications.
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Recent work has identified noisy and misannotated data as a core cause of hallucinations and unfaithful outputs in Natural Language Generation (NLG) tasks. Consequently, identifying and removing these examples is a key open challenge in creating reliable NLG systems. In this work, we introduce a framework to identify and remove low-quality training instances that lead to undesirable outputs, such as faithfulness errors in text summarization. We show that existing approaches for error tracing, such as gradient-based influence measures, do not perform reliably for detecting faithfulness errors in summarization. We overcome the drawbacks of existing error tracing methods through a new, contrast-based estimate that compares undesired generations to human-corrected outputs. Our proposed method can achieve a mean average precision of 0.91 across synthetic tasks with known ground truth and can achieve a two-fold reduction in hallucinations on a real entity hallucination evaluation on the NYT dataset.
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Many real-world applications of language models (LMs), such as code autocomplete and writing assistance, involve human-LM interaction, but the main LM benchmarks are non-interactive, where a system produces output without human intervention. To evaluate human-LM interaction, we develop a framework, Human-AI Language-based Interaction Evaluation (H-LINE), that expands non-interactive evaluation along three dimensions, capturing (i) the interactive process, not only the final output; (ii) the first-person subjective experience, not just a third-party assessment; and (iii) notions of preference beyond quality. We then design five tasks ranging from goal-oriented to open-ended to capture different forms of interaction. On four state-of-the-art LMs (three variants of OpenAI's GPT-3 and AI21's J1-Jumbo), we find that non-interactive performance does not always result in better human-LM interaction and that first-person and third-party metrics can diverge, suggesting the importance of examining the nuances of human-LM interaction.
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We investigate the asymptotic properties of deep Residual networks (ResNets) as the number of layers increases. We first show the existence of scaling regimes for trained weights markedly different from those implicitly assumed in the neural ODE literature. We study the convergence of the hidden state dynamics in these scaling regimes, showing that one may obtain an ODE, a stochastic differential equation (SDE) or neither of these. In particular, our findings point to the existence of a diffusive regime in which the deep network limit is described by a class of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Finally, we derive the corresponding scaling limits for the backpropagation dynamics.
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